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Use with traefik's forward auth


The example here expects that you have docker with compose installed on your computer.

This is an example setup with traefik's forward auth via docker-compose that should be possible to start as is, with a slight configuration of a local hosts file pointing the domains to

version: "3.8"

    image: traefik:v2.5
    command: |
      - "80:80"
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

    image: traefik/whoami
      traefik.enable: "true"
      traefik.http.routers.whoami.rule: "Host(``)"
      traefik.http.routers.whoami.middlewares: "access-guard@docker"

    command: [
      "--secret", "supersecret",
      "--auth-host", "",
      "--trusted-hosts", "access-guard", "",
      "--cookie-domain", "",
      "--email-host", "mailhog",
      "--email-port", "1025",
      "--from-email", ""
      - mailhog
      traefik.enable: "true"
      traefik.http.routers.access-guard.rule: "Host(``)"
      traefik.http.routers.access-guard.service: "access-guard"
      traefik.http.middlewares.access-guard.forwardauth.address: "http://access-guard:8585/auth" "8585"

    image: mailhog/mailhog
      - "8025:8025"

Configuration walk-through

There are 4 services that will be started from the configuration above:

  • traefik

    An HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer, that'll be responsible for routing traffic to our services.

  • whoami

    A dummy, whoami, service that'll act as a service that we want access-guard to verify authentication for before access is granted.

  • access-guard

    The forward auth service, access-guard. This is where the traefik service will delegate authentication to, before granting access to the whoami service.

  • mailhog

    Catchall service for emails, so that access-guard can send verification emails somewhere.

The following label set on the access-guard service defines the entrypoint of the forward auth. This is where traefik will forward requests to see if they're granted access.

traefik.http.middlewares.access-guard.forwardauth.address: "http://access-guard:8585/auth"

Configured email domains are: .* which means that an email address ending with can receive emails with a verification link. If an email address is entered that doesn't end with, no email will be sent.

The supersecret secret value is used for cryptographic signing of the "magic link" that'll be sent in the email by access-guard. Allowing us to verify that it is indeed access-guard that has created the "magic link" and that it hasn't been tampered with.

The --auth-host value is the entrypoint URL for access-guard. This is the URL we intend clients to see in a browser's address bar while verifying.

The --trusted-hosts values are the host values which access-guard should accept incoming traffic from.

The --cookie-domain value is what access-guard will set as domain value on a cookie.

The --email-host value is where access-guard's SMTP client will send emails to.

The --email-port value is the port of the SMTP server defined in --email-host.

The --from-email value is what will become the sender's address in sent emails.

With this setup, emails will be sent to the catchall service mailhog that'll be accessible at http://localhost:8025.

Trying it out

  1. Copy the service declaration from above to a docker-compose.yml file on your computer

  2. Add the configured hosts to your local hosts file (e.g. /etc/hosts)

  3. Start the services: docker-compose up -d

  4. Open in your browser

  5. Enter an email that'll be accepted by access-guard (e.g.

  6. Open http://localhost:8025 in your browser

  7. Open the email and click on the link

  8. You should now be redirected to the whoami service at

A cookie is kept by your browser, so closing it there's no need to validate via email again for as long as that cookie is valid (default 24 hours).